Accounts Payable Automation Software

Take control of your entire AP process with an intuitive, AI-driven solution

Learn how it works

Improve your bottom line with smarter cash management

Esker’s Accounts Payable automation software allows businesses to eliminate the pains of manual AP invoice processing with AI-driven data capture, touchless processing, and electronic workflow capabilities. The end result? A simpler, more efficient way to process invoices, manage cashflow and generate new revenue.

Esker is here to help your AP department avoid:

  • Dissatisfied suppliers & AP staff
  • Limited control & visibility of process
  • Missed vendor discounts & late penalties
  • Longer reconciliation & payment cycles
Account Payable screen illustration

“It’s much easier to see who we’re waiting on and still has invoices to approve. Now, we can quickly look it up in Esker and know immediately who needs a reminder.”

Michael Derrick, Junior Accountant at LTP Sports

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Automation + AI

Free up your finance team with
ultimate speed & visibility

By automating the source-to-pay (S2P) cycle and utilizing the latest in AI-driven technologies, Esker frees up Finance professionals from time-consuming tasks, allowing them to be more efficient and develop new skills. Advanced capabilities such as first-time recognition, machine learning and teaching help AP departments achieve the highest possible invoice recognition rate as fast as possible in order to get a quicker ROI.

  • Increase AP department efficiency

    Multi-channel solution

    Optimize invoice management by enabling processing in any format and from any input channel, whether invoices are received by mail, email, fax, or EDI. By turning a machine-readable EDI invoice into a human-readable version, you can now apply standard AP processes to EDI invoices as well.

  • Accelerate closing procedures

    Esker Synergy AI

    Esker Synergy AI optimizes invoice data extraction by using machine learning and deep learning to accurately extract and populate into a validation form (or auto-approved when no exception is detected).

  • Greater agility in accounting

    Predictive invoice coding

    Using AI-based predictive line items to code PO and non-PO invoices (e.g., G/L account, tax code, cost type, cost center), invoice data is auto-matched with the corresponding orders and goods receipts — enabling staff to quickly review and resolve exceptions from a single, consolidated view.

  • Reduce invoicing costs & delays with AI technology

    Touchless processing

    Invoices that require payment approvals are automatically routed to the right individual or group in charge. AI technologies are working hand-in-hand to enable touchless AP processing and expedite invoice payment approvals.

Manage every invoice from one secure, global solution

Esker’s AP automation software transforms Finance functions and reduces costs by eliminating paper, transportation and physical filing. The simple and user-friendly interface increases user adoption and makes invoices visible across all formats and reception channels, including EDI. By using a single process to handle all invoices, AP departments can simplify the S2P cycle and support business growth without any operational limitations.

  • Manage cash efficiently

    One interface, multiple solutions

    Esker’s complete S2P solution suite includes automated accounts payable, supplier management, contract management, procurement, expense management and payment.

  • Provide your team with actionable data

    Intelligent dashboards with real-time KPIs

    See how your AP team is performing with easy-to-understand dashboards. Track key metrics and make informed decisions that add value to your business.

  • Esker easily connects to all your ERPs

    Multi-ERP integration

    Esker can manage many ERPs through one cloud platform. This means all users have the same experience regardless of how many ERPs are used.

real time kpis illustration

Supplier efficiency & collaboration

Make your company easy
to do business with

To avoid procurement delays, companies need to build strong supplier partnerships, which means on-time payments, quick dispute resolution and real-time communication. Buyers need to improve their attractiveness by building loyalty, developing supplier relationships and improving economic performance.

Esker’s Account Payable automation software provides a win-win situation for both sides.

  • Resolve issues quickly

    Online supplier portal

    Esker’s AP invoice automation software includes an online portal for suppliers to easily access payment details, helping them get paid faster and reduce costs. This saves your company time and money by reducing the time previously spent on responding to invoice status calls.

  • Optimize cash

    Dynamic discounting

    Accelerated payments help your company improve cash management and secure supplier relationships. Suppliers offer real-time discounts, improving cashflow and cutting costs. 

  • Reduce invoice-to-pay cycle time


    Users get a fully digital process, from approval to payment. Every action is tracked in the system to ensure compliance and timely, accurate payments. No more wasting time with paperwork!

  • Greater visibility

    Supplier statement matching

    Matching supplier statements not only ensures invoices are properly recorded, it also boosts on-time payments, improves ledger accuracy, cuts down on supplier queries, and frees up time for the AP team.

Risk management

Manage company cash from any location

Even though modernizing AP has been imperative for years, the slow adoption of automation put many organizations in a highly vulnerable position if a business disruption occurs — late or missed payments, payment fraud attacks, and difficulty staying compliant. Esker’s AP automation software minimizes these risks and enhances your company control by helping you:

  • Fight against APP fraud

    Sis ID integration

    Esker has partnered with French FinTech Sis ID to fight against authorized push payment (APP) fraud. Fully integrated with Esker’s S2P suite, Sis ID’s Sis Inside solution adds an anti-fraud shield to the user experience. Control maverick spend, reduce risks and bring visibility into spend.

    bank references illustration
  • Budgetary control, plus quick & easy approvals

    Basic and complex workflow handling

    New records are submitted to different users based on their profiles. Vendor-initiated changes trigger new approvals, reducing risk and protecting reputation.

    workflow illustration
  • Control your payments and alleviate operational costs

    The AP Specialist dashboard

    Displays the monetary value of potential late fees for invoices approaching their due date. Paying suppliers on time not only strengthens relationships with them but also helps companies reduce financial risks. Automatically match PO invoices with POs to ensure that there are no inconsistencies or risks of fraud.

    overdue invoices illustration
  • Ensuring tax compliance

    Esker’s AP e-invoicing solution

    Delivers compliant, paperless invoice processing on a global scale. Keeping up with changing regulations is tricky and managing suppliers across borders adds even more complexity. Archived invoices are kept secure for as long as the local laws dictate.

    e-invoicing compliance map illustration

Work smart, work mobile

Esker’s mobile application, Esker Anywhere, delivers faster invoice processing, improved efficiency, and on-the-road accessibility for managers who review and approve spend requests or supplier invoices prior to payment.

Thanks to mobile dashboards and metrics, managers can monitor their KPIs and business trends while on the go. The app is available for free from the Apple App Store® and Google Play. Once installed, users can connect to the application to view invoices pending approval.

"Even if somebody is out of the office, invoice approvals can be done anytime, anywhere with Esker's mobile application."​

Learn more about Esker Anywhere

Esker's mobile application illustration

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Frequently asked questions

We’ve compiled answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about Esker’s Accounts Payable automation software. Have a question you can’t find the answer to? Reach out by clicking the “Get in Touch” button below.

How does an AP automation software increase employee productivity?

It’s not uncommon for AP staff members to spend much of their time on manual tasks (e.g., entering invoice data into the ERP, hunting down approvals, printing and collecting documents, etc.). AI-driven AP automation solutions takes care of all those repetitive, low-value admin activities so you don’t have to. As a result, your team is free to focus on more strategic activities that impact cash management and your supplier relationships.

What advantages will I see with an automated AP invoicing software?

Users of an AP automation solution can expect to see a number of transformational benefits following go-live. From an operational standpoint, accounts payable automation often translates to faster invoice processing times, lower costs, simplified IT environment, and enhanced visibility over invoices and closing procedures (just to name a few). For your customers and staff, it can mean greater collaboration and overall satisfaction. Lastly, for business, these solutions can ultimately lead to more business opportunities, expansion into new markets, and increased fraud prevention.

Do accounts payable software integrate with all ERPs?

Yes! To date, Esker has over 70 unique ERP or home-grown solutions. Our ERP connectivity suite also provides simultaneous integration with multiple ERPs, which simplifies diverse environments resulting from M&A activity, streamlines onboarding, and supports shared services center initiatives.

Does AP automation solutions replace my ERP system?

No! Automated AP software is not designed to replace ERPs; rather, the software works alongside whatever system or systems currently in place to fill in the manual gaps most conventional ERPs can’t handle. This helps invoices get processed faster and more accurately, while also helping your company maximize its ERP investment.

You’re in good company. Explore some of the other companies and AP leaders that have benefited from automating their processes with Esker.
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